Thursday, 31 March 2011

Campaign Project- Who Cares

We were told to create a campaign video of an issue that we feel the most passionate about. I was in a group of three (Liz Nelson, Alia Alhirsi and myself) and as we tried to find a cause we felt strongly about we all came to the conclusion that there was nothing we cared about. There we had it, our campaign and our issue is that our generation has been desensitized from issues like charities that we all don’t care anymore.

When watching the video I can see some things we could have improved on, lighting for one as when interviewing Alia all we could see was her silhouette and also the sound level was too quiet at times. But altogether I feel we were able to get our message across without shoving it down the audiences throat or making it too humorous to take seriously.

The issue in the video is clear, we (students) care more about our money and funding then we do about poverty stricken countries or the less fortunate, but is it all our fault? Speaking for myself only, I can say that I do feel guilty but not very often and especially when I am being hounded on the street to give money to a cause. I don’t like being told what to do and guilt tripping me or following me until I stop is something I regard as bullying. Isn’t that what Comic Relief is for? Helping out those in need?  They raised £74.3 million this year and yet our country is actually £0.932 trillion in debt by the end of this year, as I live in this country I feel as though we should be helping ourselves before we can help others.

This topic is a sensitive one as in the end no one really wins, we will still be in debt; still have homeless people, domestic violence, countries in poverty and lack of jobs. Of course there will be improvement but these issues have been around for years and with the growing population it doesn’t seem as though they will die down anytime soon.

this is the site to see the UK's debt

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