Thursday, 7 October 2010

New Things

This is the first time I have even looked at blogs let alone created my own account... It feels more like a place where I'm posting my opinions and a deeper insight into the 'What's on your mind?'

As my example explains I am a facebooker WAS a myspace fan but that ended because it couldn't offer what Facebook can, which is a feed page, wall to wall post, mutual friends, tagging...sure Myspace has tried to add things like this but it couldn't be exact due to copyright. It EPIC FAILED. In my opinion anyway, Facebook was able to see what its target audience wanted and provided it whereas Myspace was able to be bought by MediaCorp which means one thing; it's owned by Rupert Murdoch. What I find when talking about Murdoch is that there is resentment towards him, like he is a greedy corporate man looking for the next biggest thing. It gives the smaller companies less chance to succeed and that's not what the internet is for. In my opinion Murdoch should keep to newspapers and television and leave the internet for the 'little' people making it into something big.

SO, lets move away from the whole social networking debate and save that for a more relevant time and not my first post.

After my media lesson where we had to create these blogs I went shopping with a friend from the course, Alia Alhirsi. As we walked and talked we discussed the possible blogs we could write, each idea as funny/ridiculous as the other. There were so many ways I could have written this first post, in fact I retyped this thing about 4 times before this one. There are just too many things I could go off on a tangent to but then this post would be extremely long and ending up with me losing my train of thought_______

I think I will focus on explaining what I plan to blog about, from blogging about the medias effect on me in life to what I've learned about in lectures and workshops. This is a reflective journal on what I know and learn, I may be being told how to set this blog out but when it comes down to it, the content is mine and it is meant to reflect me.

If the Media had taught me anything it's that everyone has their own opinion and a way to express it, whether its ranting on a social network or sending viral videos on YouTube. There is no escaping the public voice which isn't even the public just an individual. The age we live in is technological and more connected then ever we are more alone and more together then ever and I know that's an oxymoron but in laymen's terms that's the internet, one big pile of contradictions and information.

Anyway, I concluded that this is going to be hard for someone like me who has never even read a blog. So it is time for the researching to begin...but don't expect an inquisition or anything :)


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