Saturday, 4 December 2010

Folksonomy Presentation

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
View more presentations from twiggla.
(This is just the slideshow, obviously we spoke for the duration of each slide)
Just imagine us explaining what is on each slide... 
So being a new blogger I'm still not sure what to write. I suppose I should talk about the Pecha Kucha I presented last week, I was in a group of three talking about Folksonomy. A pecha Kucha if you didn't know is a powerpoint presentation that has 20 slides and each slide is shown for 20 seconds. In our Pecha Kucha however we had 15 slides for 20 seconds.

After continuously rehearsing this presentation it was time to do it for real and of course being in front of people I began to talk faster then I was supposed to, making the 20 seconds seem like a lifetime. I have to admit, when done properly a Pecha Kucha is a brilliant way of presenting a powerpoint, it keeps the audience's attention on what the presentation is about but for me, I did not enjoy doing it. But it's over now and hopefully I won't be doing it in the near future and if I do at least I'll be more prepared. 

In other news, there was a student protest the other day in London, I didn't go myself but had many friends there giving me updates and posting photos on Facebook. It was going all fine and dandy until the last hour when some ASBO youths decided to vandalise the Millbank building... to be fair I'm sure most of them were actual students who wanted to be heard but the violence they caused is now up for debate for the next few weeks. There are enquiries about how the police handled it, how the students reacted, how everything could have been avoided, blah blah blah shoulda woulda coulda.

But in retrospect all that protesting was in vein as what they were protesting the rise in student fees, a rise hat will take effect in 2012 and is hardly going to be cancelled because students have caused a stir for one day. It sad but true, the peoples voice is squandered by the politicians self preservation. It seems that most MP's are only interested in a popularity contest, having 'your mother' style debates in parliament and expressing many opinions but doing no actions. Unfortunately it's been like this before I was born, it's just more televised then before.

 "your mothers so dumb it takes her two hours to watch 60 Minutes"

This blog would have been posted 2 weeks ago but with pending problems uploading the presentation slides it was delayed.

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